Dutch Human Rights Fund 2019, Dutch Democracy Fund 2019

The deadline for sending in applications is 24 June, 2019.

About the Human Rights Fund 2019

Human rights are the cornerstone of human dignity, freedom and the development of free societies all over the world. Hungary and the Netherlands are both parties to the European Convention on Human Rights. The Human Rights Fund is a tool of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands to support activities around the world with the common goal of achieving tangible results. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Hungary is calling on organisations to submit project proposals that aim to promote human rights.

Please make sure that your proposal for the Human Rights Fund 2019 is in line with at least one of the following priorities of our human rights-policy:

  • Protection of human rights defenders
  • Freedom of expression, freedom of information and internet freedom, including media & journalism
  • Freedom of religion and belief
  • Equal Rights for LGBTI
  • Empowerment of local communities focusing on women’s rights

About the Democracy Fund 2019

We also look forward to receiving proposals for our Democracy Fund 2019. Please make sure that your proposal for the Democracy Fund promotes at least one of the following priorities:

  • Transparency of the public sector and legal certainty
  • Accountability of state organs, access to public information, empowerment of local communities;
  • Independence of the Judiciary
  • Separation of powers
  • Access to justice
  • Equality before the law
  • Interaction between domestic and international law
  • Fight against corruption and conflict of interests
  • Stability and consistency of the law: prevalence of common European values in the constitutional system
  • Privacy and data protection

Please note that involvement of a Hungarian public institution in your project is a condition for a successful application under the Democracy Fund 2019. The Embassy of the Netherlands finds it important that projects under the Democracy Fund are welcomed by a public institution of the Hungarian State (local, regional or national).

Funding criteria for the two funds

All project proposals need to meet the following criteria in order to be admissible:

  • Please state clearly if you are applying for the Human Rights Fund or for the Democracy Fund.
  • Please focus on one of the priority areas mentioned under the Human Rights Fund or the Democracy Fund (depending for which fund you choose to apply).
  • Include clear and feasible goals towards delivering durable results.
  • Your project must start in 2019 and finish no later than 2022.
  • Please note that financial contribution per project from the Human Rights Fund will not exceed 10.000 EUR.
  • Please note that financial contribution per project from the Democracy Fund will not exceed 15.000 EUR.

Application Procedure for the two funds

  • Project proposals must be submitted to the Embassy of the Netherlands in Budapest by email to bdp-hrf@minbuza.nl. Only proposals sent to this email address will be considered.
  • Subject of the e-mail should be “Application Human Rights Fund 2019” or “Application Democracy Fund 2019”;
  • Proposals must be submitted on the standard application form, which you will find attached to this call.
  • The deadline for submitting projects is 9:00 am on 24 June 2019.

Assessment and Approval Procedure for the two funds

Due to the limited funding available, project proposals will not necessarily be approved even if all the requirements are met. Every project proposal submitted under the Human Rights Fund and the Democracy Fund will be subjected to a competitive selection procedure. In assessing the proposals the Embassy will inter alia take the following factors into account:

  • how the problem, objective and envisaged results are presented;
  • to which extent the proposed activities will lead to sustainable, tangible impact;
  • balance between the scope of the project activities and proposed budget;
  • joint applications from different (cross-border) NGO’s are welcomed;
  • preference will be given to projects that focus on areas outside of Budapest;
  • emphasis on local community empowerment would be welcomed.

The Embassy will assess all the received proposals and inform the applicants about the ongoing procedure no later than August 16. A personal meeting could be part of the selection procedure. After the final decision, the organizations whose proposals are approved will be invited for the contract signing. At that time they will be informed about the reporting requirements.


For questions you can contact the Embassy through bdp-hrf@minbuza.nl.

Application form